Written by Hollywood make-up artist, Mike Spatola, The Monstrous Make-Up Manuals are a wonderful introduction to the world of special effects make-up! Whether you want to be a professional SFX make-up artist, want to add SFX to your regular make-up repertoire, run a haunt, or are just a cosplay or Halloween enthusiast - there is something here for you! No prior experience needed!
The Monstrous Make-up Manual Volume 1 starts with simple "paint & powder" effects, creating amazing looks you can do with just a bit of highlighting and shading. Then move on to "out of the kit" techniques using materials like liquid latex, gelatin, and silicone. By the end of the book you'll be introduced to mold making and foam latex prosthetics.
The Monstrous Make-Up Manual Volume 2 picks up where Volume 1 left off. You'll be walked through more advanced mold making techniques and see some amazing multi-piece silicone and latex make-ups done step-by-step by some of the industry's top artists!
At last The Monstrous Make-Up Manual Volume 3 has arrived! Where Book 1 focus on simpler techniques and makeups, and Book 2 was more advanced in the lab techniques and had makeups by many celebrity makeup artists, Book 3 is all about the characters! There's sections on new and updated techniques, body painting, aliens, undead, demons and the possessed, and a huge section on how the cover makeup was created including the props and costume/armor. Using Adobe Photoshop as a creature/makeup design tool is discussed.
Any orders for the Monstrous Make-Up Manuals from outside Canada will be refunded and the order cancelled. US and International orders visit http://www.monstrousmakeupmanual.com